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- Written by: Rusty Auxier
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 1719
The McLean's Mountain site is is the only club repeater site with internet connectivity.
VE3RQQ callsign represents several machines; All are located on McLean's Mountain, just outside of little Current.
UHF Repeater on 444.300mHZ with a + offset; It is also IRLP Node 2860
Simplex Asterisk Node 2359 on a frequency of 146.550mHZ requiring a 156.7hZ tone
An APRS iGate/Digipeater on the standard APRS frequency of 144.390
VE3RXR D-STAR Digital Repeaters, located on McLean's Mountain, just outside of Little Current.
Module B is on a frequency of 442.050 + offset
Module C is on a frequency of 145.310 - offset
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- Written by: Rusty Auxier
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 3616
VE3RMI is the backbone of the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club. It is located on Green Bush Road, just outside of Little Current. It is on a frequency of 147.270 with a + split, and it offers phenomenal coverage from Sudbury to Blind River. It is an analog/digital Icom repeater; output power is ~100 watts at approximately 1200' above sea level, co-located with a commercial FM broadcast station.
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- Written by: Rusty Auxier
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 4018
Manitoulin Island is home to 7 repeaters.
VE3RMI is the backbone of the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club. It is located on Green Bush Road, just outside of Little Current. It is on a frequency of 147.270 with a + split, and it offers phenomenal coverage from Sudbury to Blind River.
McLean's Mountain is home to several machines.
VE3RQQ callsign represents several machines; All are located on McLean's Mountain, just outside of little Current.
UHF Repeater on 444.300mHZ with a + offset; It is also IRLP Node 2860
Simplex Asterisk Node 2359 on a frequency of 146.550mHZ requiring a 156.7hZ tone
An APRS iGate/Digipeater on the standard APRS frequency of 144.390
VE3RXR D-STAR Digital Repeaters, located on McLean's Mountain, just outside of Little Current.
Module B is on a frequency of 442.050 + offset ***Currently B module is off the air; a multi-mode repeater has taken it's place.***
Module C is on a frequency of 145.310 - offset
VE3LTR VHF Repeater on a frequency of 146.670 with a - offset, located on the water tower in Kagawong.
VE3RII Repeater on a frequency of 444.175 + offset, requiring a 156.7hZ tone, located on Hwy 6 in Manitowaning, Asterisk Node 28505.
Tho no longer on the Island, I thought it should still be on this list...
VE3WVU UHF Repeater 444.450 + split. Formerly owned by the Espanola Search & Rescue, we hope to be getting this one back on the air soon.
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- Written by: RocketTheme
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 1528
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